Why am I doing this

I wanted to start this blog for some time now.  But, I was procrastinating it not only due to time constraints but also because I wasn't ready to share our story to the world outside of my immediate circle.  I think that we are ready to share our stories now.

My then 8 year old son Sriram was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes on November 30th 2016.  Type 1 diabetes is a relatively lesser known form of Diabetes.  The onset of this condition happens pretty early in life for most people.  Babies less than a year old could have this condition and hence, its called as Juvenile diabetes too.  The onset of Type 1 diabetes happens when somone's immune system starts attacking the insulin producing beta cells.   Once the beta cells destruction starts, the only option we have is to inject the man made insulin in order to control the blood glucose levels.  There is no biological cure for Type 1 Diabetes yet.  But, thanks to the advancement in technologies, there are lots of new tools available to manage this condition.

I have named the blog as Sriram's type 1 adventures as I don't want this to be my blog alone.  I intend the write about our experiences, successes, failures and leanings of our lives. Hopefully, Sriram would start contributing to this blog at some point.

The day after the diagnosis I told him that he will be able to do everything he planned on and wants to even after the diagnosis and nothing is going to stop him.  I have tried my best to stand true to this everyday.  We have definitely come a long way since Sriram's diagnosis.  He is using a Continuous Glucose Monitor(CGM) and an insulin pump now.  With these tools, we are able to manage his glucose levels very close to the normal range. 


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