I'm back ... finally!
I'm back, Finally ... I haven't been blogging for over 9 months as I was awfully busy at work, from the tasks of the new role I have taken up in Sriram's PTA, summer break for kids and finally our first overseas vacation in Europe. Basically, lots of things has happened in 2019. To start with I'm really thankful to the Do-it-yourself Diabetes community that has enabled me to take up extra work with confidence. Sriram was diagnosed barely 3 months after he joined this elementary school. Therefore, I couldn't involve myself in any of the activities at school except for the weekly volunteering on Fridays and being a chaperone in field trips occasionally. I definitely have lot more time in my hands since Sriram started using the new artificial Pancreas system. I got a call from Sriram's friend's dad in July 2019 asking if Senthil can join the PTA. Senthil changed his phone number that month and his friend's dad didn't have his new numbe...