Life is like a box of chocolates

Life is like a box of chocolates We are in the process installing custom closets at home. Look what we found when the handyman dismantled the existing structure in the master bedroom closet! These are the leftover candies from the 2016 Halloween. I distinctly remember tossing out the candies to the top of the closet few days after the Halloween as the boys were having too many candies. Sriram had to have his cavities filled a week before the Halloween and I was very concerned about his dental health at that point. He was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in few weeks. Two years after his diagnosis, this bag of candy reminded me of the famous line from Forest Gump - “My mom always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.” I definitely didn't know that the subsequent Halloweens are going to be a nightmare as I have to deal with lows on the Halloween night due to high level of activity and high blood sugars in the subse...