The awesome community no one wants to be part of

The awesome community no one wants to be part of Any health condition is very personal and not everyone will be ready to come out and discuss about it with people outside of their intimate circle This is all the more true when your child has lifelong condition like diabetes. I truly believe in the theory that sum of all parts are not equal. From day one, I wanted to gather as much information as possible. After all, I'm sure we have gained more, by coming out and talking to folks from various background about Sriram's Type 1 condition. This is not only in terms of the knowledge we have gained over the past two years, but also the emotional and moral support we have received from the community. On the other hand, we did run into people who gave us advise such as gooseberry, onions, Fenugreek etc. will cure diabetes. I try not to get into a defensive mode in such situations and just move on. Sometimes, I try to explain ...