The school - Home away from home

The school - Home away from home When I was growing up in India, my school was always a home away from home for me. This is not only because of the fact that we spent a huge share of the day at school every day. But also because, I can unarguably claim that I had the some of the most qualified and caring teachers for most of my school and college life. My teachers played a huge role in my life. Sriram's teachers are playing a similar if not a more pertinent role in his world now. We had moved to Sriram's new school barely 3 months before his diagnosis. So, we really didn't know what to expect from his school soon after the diagnosis. The day after the diagnosis, Raghav had mild temperature when he woke up. We knew that we can't have him home that day as Sriram needs us more that day than Raghav. We gave Tylenol to him and waited for an hour. Senthil dropped him off Raghav at the day care and then we all headed off to Srira...