Friends for life - 2018

Friends for Life 2018 We attended the friends for life conference this year at the Disneyland in Anaheim from May 4th to 6th. Senthil forwarded the Friends for life email back in January. He wanted to give it a try. I was very skeptical about signing up for the conference as Sriram's blood sugars are always crazy when we travel. We had to cut short the Lake Tahoe trip in December due to the high blood sugar. I started to have second thoughts on enrolling for the conference after I heard some of the episodes in juice box podcast by Scott Benner. He spoke very highly of the Friends for life conference. Sriram was also interested in going to the event as he wanted to meet the race car driver Ryan Reed, who also has Type 1 Diabetes (unfortunately, Ryan Reed wasn't in the Anaheim conference). The last straw was the casual conversation I had with my friend Prithi. She said that we are getting a killer deal with the Disney hot...